Author: Steve

Harvested tomatoes — last of the season?

After not being in the garden for a week or so, I decided to see if maybe some tomatoes made it through the recent freezing mornings. To my happy surprise, I harvested a big bowl full of cherry tomatoes. The bigger tomatoes are goners, but these little ones were good. Ate some in a salad […]

First real freeze today

We’ve had some light frosts off and on for the past few weeks, but this morning was the first serious freeze. My outside thermometer said 30 degrees this morning, and it’s usually a little high, because it gets some heat radiation from the house. The news guy said this was the first freeze of the […]

USU publication on landscape trees

I just learned about a great publication on selecting landscape trees for Utah. It’s available from the USU Extension at: It’s called “Selecting and Planting Landscape Trees”.

Sprouting Maple Seeds

I’ve had some trouble sprouting maple seeds (I tried some Rocky Mountain Maples last winter and one grew), but I realize I haven’t been very methodic about it. I just put them in little pots outside for the winter so they’d get the necessary chill to “stratify” them. I’ve been gathering some seeds this year […]

More fall colors in my yard

For the past two days, my Autumn Blaze Maples have been at their peak color. I have three of these trees, which have been in the ground five years now. One has been sick — it’s been chlorotic, which isn’t supposed to happen to these. It lost its leaves in August, and some new ones […]

Fall colors in my yard

Many leaves are changing in my yard now. I should mention the plants that are turning and when they started. I wonder if it will be the same week in future years or if temperature affects these things much? Here’s a little rundown: Peking Cotoneasters were probably the first to change. They got very bright […]

The batter swings and the summer flies…

The title of this post is from a recent song by Five for Fighting (The Riddle). Anyway, those words keep running through my mind this week, as we’ve had two storms sweep in and blow summer far away. The first was last Friday, which brought snow to the mountains. It’s pretty to see Mt. Timpanogos […]

Picked the Jonathan apples

Two days ago, the twins and I picked all the Jonathan apples, except two or three still on the tree. This is early for them to be ripe, but several more fell off the tree in the previous few days, and I decided they must be ripe enough. They taste great — perhaps slightly tart, […]