Where to plant willows

I have six small corkscrew willow plants growing from cuttings I received at a gardening class. They rooted quicky and are growing well, but I’m not sure I really have a place for them. I read they can get 20′ tall, and they need moist soil in the sun. I don’t really have a spot like that. I have a moist spot in the shade, but I’m afraid these will not look good with my Chinese Elm right next to them. Also not sure they’re a good pairing with the Laurel bushes in that area.

I do think, however, that I might plant a Hakura Nishiki willow in that spot. I have some that I’ve grown from cuttings of my own plant, which is struggling in a hot spot on the south side of the house. I think I might put the cuttings in that shady spot, which gets some sun in the morning and will provide some sun when the plant grows taller. Hope it’s not too shady to start. Anyway, these willows only get six feet tall. Maybe I’ll train it into a “standard” or tree-like shape. There’s one like that at Thanksgiving Point.

If I don’t do the willow, I’d like some kind of maple. I had a Japanese maple there, but it died. It looked great while it lasted. Maybe an Amur maple could handle the soil there better than the Japanese. I could get a cutting off my neighbor Kim’s Amur.

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